Returning to life after lockdown

For many of us, the thought of returning to life after lockdown brings anxieties and fears. My thought about not being at ease is that if we hold stress it in our bodies for prolonged periods of time disease may ensue so it’s best to deal with it early and do what you can to help alleviate it.

Bring into focus the things that are worrying you. Write them down. Don’t generalise but write down each thing that is causing anxiety. Look at each item and consider what is the worst thing that could happen…and what is the best thing that can happen.

Then try to look at the situation from a less emotional place, as if you were a neutral observer watching a scene playing out. Try to take the “to me” out of the phrase, instead of saying “this is happening to me” change it to “It’s just happening” and then perhaps “it’s happening FOR me”. Because there are often hidden benefits and lessons in the difficulties we face. This is Changing the perspective. Recognising that a situation (no matter how unpleasant) can have benefits FOR you, can help to settle a mind that is worried or fearful about what the future will bring.

Focus on what really matters. If you are being pulled in many different directions by various distractions your energies become scattered and everything will be unclear. When you focus your attention on what is truly important you will settle the mind. When there is less competition for your attention there will be less to organise, prioritise and act on.

Choose not to engage. When unwelcome thoughts come into your mind simply choose not to engage. It is not necessary to spend time and energy giving your attention to things that cause unease for you. Shift your attention to something else and let that thought pass by. Let it go before it causes a strong emotional reaction.

Practice mindfulness or present awareness as much as you can, both through meditation and in your daily activities. If you are eating then just eat, if you are cooking, just cook. Don’t multi-task as far as possible.
This helps to reduce the amount of stuff your mind has to attend to, and anytime your attention is fully focused on something, the mental chatter will subside or even stop. And then you will notice a beautiful inner transformation from noise to quiet, from chaos to clarity, from busyness to peace. And have compassion for yourself and for others. Know that
everyone is feeling the same to varying degrees. Gently and bit by bit create a new routine. One step at a time.

Use your breath when you are going into an uncomfortable situation. Focus on your breath. Count your breaths and soften them. Doing this will help to stop the fight or flight feeling in your body and will bring you to a better sense of calm. There are many tools to help you to deal with times of high anxiety so knowing that you have a couple of tools means that you don’t have to worry about feeling out of control.

So now let the stress go and smile. Slowly ease yourselves back into the world and in no time you will find that you are calm, at ease, and looking forward to the next step. Slowly you can break down all barriers causing you to feel anxious, barriers you are putting in your own way to stop you from feeling calm and at ease. Stand in your Power. You are a wonderful survivor and you have a reservoir of power to call on which has been created by all the life experiences and knowledge you have built up in your life.

Tap into the Creative potential you have inside you to overcome any perceived threats. Stop broadcasting fear. Instead, change your energetic frequency to power and calm. Take control of the energies you radiate and see your life change. Let go of the victim narratives that are being broadcast. Don’t give your power to those thoughts, instead change the narrative to one where you have the power. Your true power comes from within. You create your reality through your thoughts. You can create something incredible for

Build a happy healthy life for Yourself. Raise your own vibration
and see your light shining in the world. Allow yourself to be strong. Allow yourself to be Calm. You Are strong and you Are Calm. If you have found this useful you may wish to consider using
hypnotherapy to further help and if so please feel free to
contact me for a free Discovery Call.


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